What Do You Want Others to Know Before You Die

Woman reading book

"I would rather die of passion than of boredom." ~Vincent Van Gogh

I attended an interesting outcome a few nights agone. It featured ten speakers who spoke for ten minutes each on ten things yous should know before you dice.

The speakers included Television receiver and film stars, CEOs, embrace-shooting photojournalists, traveling journalists covering natural disasters, and HIV survivors. As you can imagine, there was a wide spectrum of perspectives shared.

Here are a few of the lessons that stuck out for me. A lot of these can profoundly change your mindset, how you view the earth, and how you lot choose to react to things. You merely need to have a step back and put things into perspective, which leads united states into our first ane.

1. Maintain perspective.

A journalist told a story of how he traveled to Haiti after the devastating earthquake that hit them a few years back. In the capital of Port-au-Prince many of the homes had fallen apart, and people who already had nothing were now living in pocket-size plots of country in public squares in the city.

The separations between each family'south plot were fatigued in past hand, with tents and tarps set up overhead.
In one particular plot was for a seven-yr-old girl and a one-year-erstwhile boy.

The speaker spoke a flake of Creole French and asked the people in neighboring tents which family these children were with. They replied, "That is the family."

The seven-year-erstwhile girl and ane-yr-onetime boy's parents and older siblings had been killed. She was at present responsible for this baby.

This is where the notion of perspective comes in. The side by side time yous're upset at traffic, or someone is taking too long in the checkout line, or someone hasn't texted you dorsum quickly enough, have a footstep dorsum and ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, is this actually worth being upset almost?

The book Unbroken drove this bespeak home for me. Reading what this human being went through apace fabricated me realize, if I were privileged to exist built-in into a first globe country (Canada) in the current peaceful time, I accept absolutely nothing to complain almost. A reminder to myself the next time Netflix is slow to load something…

2. Take care of your health.

Health is the gateway to happiness. If you are not living with your fullest energy and vibrancy, how can you wait to get the near from life?

This was the main message from a heart-anile adult female and entrepreneur who bankrupt the status quo and went her own manner in life, much to the dismay of her parents. She dropped out of school and traveled the earth, falling into a few rough crowds on the journey and eventually settling in Toronto.

There, she visited a local fresh juice place that ended up changing her life. She savage in dear with how the juices made her experience and the energy they gave her, and concluded upward opening her own juice place called "Juice for Life" (which her Jewish parents hilariously thought was called "Jews for Life" at first). She's now the founder and CEO of Fresh Restaurants chain in Toronto.

Anyone who knows me knows wellness is massively important to me besides. I always pose the question: Is information technology not a bit crazy to call back that people volition spend more money on their car, their manner, and accessories than they would on their trunk?

Ask anyone with a serious illness what would they rather have; they all would give up everything they own to get healthy and disengage the impairment that was done.

3. Be true to yourself and your calling.

If you are living and doing something that doesn't marshal with you lot, how tin you ever be truly happy and enlightened?

This was the primary message from the founder of Yuk Yuk'south comedy club, a popular spot in Toronto.

Y'all can imagine the reaction he got from his friends and family when he told them he wanted to enter the one-act business organization. This was his passion, however, and he knew from feel that if he was doing something different, he would rarely be at peace or be inspired.

When you find something that aligns and resonates with you, yous volition know it from the energy it gives you.

The Vincent Van Gogh quotes sums the bulletin here up quite nicely: Would you lot rather die of passion or of boredom?

four. Don't exist afraid to stand out.

When you become your ain manner and make your ain path, y'all lone write your legacy.

This was the motto of a female photojournalist who spoke to us. She joined the world of journalism in the sixties and seventies, when it was completely dominated by men. She was dissimilar from what was considered the norm and despite ridicule, sexist remarks, and being seen as lower, she used it to her advantage.

Being shorter than the male person photographers, she was e'er in front of the pack, allowing her to capture some of the closest, most personal photos. She became one of the first females to accept their photos published on the encompass of multiple well know magazines, and went on to exist the prime journalist roofing Terry Fox's run across Canada.

Information technology is your inherent right to claiming the status quo. Never be agape to forge your ain destiny due to the thoughts of others. People may laugh at you because you are dissimilar. You could pack upward and quit hither, or you could feel deplorable for them considering they are nevertheless.

As well, never be afraid to challenge why things are the mode they are. After all, this is the very question that has forged about all innovation mankind has e'er washed.

5. Don't play the victim.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the speakers was a girl born with HIV. She was abandoned past her parents and adopted by a supporting family with nine other adopted children.

Her new family unit took her in with love and put her through school similar a normal child. Only when the other children's parents plant out she had HIV, information technology was no longer normal. They refused to invite her over to birthday parties and sleepovers and forbade their children from beingness friends with her.

She could have closed upwards and felt angry at the earth, only instead she took a position of power and action. Now in her tardily teens, she has spoken globally, on major TV networks and YouTube, to educate the globe on HIV and how ridiculous it is to "ban" your kids from socializing with someone who has it.

Many people constantly place arraign on everything and everyone and brand themselves a victim. Why did this happen to me? Why tin't I brand more coin? Why am I stuck at this chore?

The earth doesn't owe yous anything; you were not born a victim. Yet when you await around how many people do yous find lament nigh their situation but not taking any action or attempt to amend it?

The world gives you and so much to work with if y'all piece of work with information technology and put in the attempt.

6. Re-direct your free energy.

An actress told her story of failed audience later on failed audition while witnessing other people's success. She knew she could accept gotten caught in the negative energy of envy and blame—upset that others were getting roles, getting paid more, or traveling more than.

She didn't go this way, though; she knew green-eyed can be channeled into focus and motivation.

The lesson in hither is quite simple. Instead of wasting free energy being angry, envious, or jealous of those with more than success, redirect that energy and ask, "What can I learn from this person to improve my own life?"

As a result of doing this, she re-auditioned for a part she hadn't received and was so motivated she ended upwards blowing them away and getting the role on the spot.

7. Requite your attention.

One of the speakers began his talk with a severe stutter. The energetic crowd grew repose, not knowing how to react. He and then switched to a more fluent voice and told the audience he suffered with this stutter for the first xx years of his life.

When he was a young teen, he worked at one of Vidal Sassoon'southward salons, doing odd behind the scenes jobs where he didn't need to speak, like sweeping and tidying up later customers. Most people didn't give him the time of day or would mock his difficulty in speaking.

1 mean solar day information technology was announced that Vidal Sassoon himself, the CEO, was coming to visit their Salon. Vidal made a point to run into with everyone, from the highest manager to the ones attending to the cut hair on the floor.

When he approached the young male child, he asked what his name was. The male child tried to answer but was too nervous, and his stutter was then severe that he just could not get his name out. Vidal smiled, crouched down in front of him, and said "It's okay, son, I have all the fourth dimension in the world."

The greatest souvenir y'all tin give someone is your attention. Never let yourself to make it the mindset that people are "below you lot," considering even the smallest conversation tin can brand someone's twenty-four hours. People will forget many things, just they will always retrieve how others fabricated them feel.

Imagine a world where anybody learned the lessons above from a young age. It'south possible, only starts with each of us.

Woman reading paradigm via Shutterstock

About Paul Milano

Paul Milano teaches systems and habits to create a powerfully productive, charged lifestyle. His articles take been seen by thousands where he coaches people on how to activate their torso for high performance, significant, energy, focus, and productivity. Download his free guide with uncomplicated steps on how to boost your energy and productivity levels each twenty-four hour period at www.paulmilano.com.

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Source: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/7-things-everyone-should-learn-before-they-die/

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