examples of what to say to someone to lift their spirits

Blake started out scribbling in cards over thirty years ago. Though his handwriting is mostly unchanged, the content has improved.

Sometimes all it takes to lift someone's spirits is a line or two.

Sometimes all it takes to lift someone's spirits is a line or two.

Encouraging Others With Words

Words are powerful tools. When a friend is discouraged or having a hard time, the correct words tin articulate their outlook and elevator their spirits. Other times, there may be a person who does great piece of work and deserves an encouraging note, and the right words from you will make all the difference.

Friends, teachers, and co-workers are just a few of the people in your life who might capeesh some encouragement. An example of a message for a teacher is, "I actually capeesh the extra time you take to make sure that your students learn. I can tell you take a natural gift for teaching, and you work hard to put information technology to proficient use."

It may be difficult to know what to say to someone to inspire hope, specially if you have non been blessed with the natural souvenir of being able to encourage others. The following quotes, letters, inspirational sayings, and religious words tin be used or adjusted for a variety of situations.

Quotes to Lift Spirits

The following is a hand-selected collection of encouraging quotes to exist used to lift the spirits of a friend. Credit is given on all quotes that I know the source of.

  1. "Mistakes are proof that y'all are trying."
  2. "Hardships frequently prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." —C.Southward. Lewis
  3. "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone'south inability to run into your worth."
  4. "Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried virtually yesterday." —Dale Carnegie
  5. "Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyhow." —Emory Austin
  6. "When yous let your light smoothen, you lot unconsciously give others permission to do the aforementioned." —Nelson Mandela
  7. "Exist strong, you never know who you are inspiring."
  8. "It might exist stormy at present, but it can't rain forever."
  9. "Not all of u.s. tin can do great things. Merely we can practise small things with groovy love." —Mother Teresa
  10. "You oasis't failed until you quit trying."
  11. "Your solar day will become the way the corners of your mouth turn."
  12. "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
  13. Hope is the little voice y'all hear whisper "maybe" when it seems the entire globe is shouting "no!"
  14. "Success is the ability to get from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." —Winston Churchill
  15. "Whenever life sucks, call back you're going to die someday."
  16. "What seems to us equally bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." —Oscar Wilde
  17. "Don't let your struggle get your identity."
  18. "Take pride in how far y'all have come and have faith in how far you tin go." —Christian Larson
  19. "Anytime, everything will brand perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
Sharing an inspirational or encouraging quote is a great way to convey an idea you can't quite figure out how to articulate.

Sharing an inspirational or encouraging quote is a corking manner to convey an idea you can't quite figure out how to articulate.

Religious and Christian Words of Encouragement

  • "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to requite you hope and a futurity." —Jeremiah 29:xi
  • "I believe in the sunday even if it isn't shining. I believe in dearest even when I'm alone. I believe in God even when He is silent."
  • "I am the Lord your God who takes concord of your correct hand and says to you, do non fright, I will help yous." —Isaiah 41:xiii
  • "In this world you volition have trouble, but take heart. I accept overcome the globe." —John 16:33
  • "When God gives you a 'no,' give him a 'give thanks you lot.' He was protecting you from less than his best."
  • "For God gave u.s.a. a spirit not of fear just of ability and love and cocky-control." —Timothy i:7
  • "We know that in all things, God works for the adept of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." —Romans 8:28
  • "Permit your hope make y'all glad. Be patient in time of problem & never stop praying." —Romans 12;12
  • "God is using your present circumstances to make you more useful for subsequently roles in his unfolding story." —Louie Gliglio
  • "The aforementioned power that raised Christ from the dead is inside of you." —Romans 8:eleven
  • "Sometimes God lets y'all hit rock bottom so that you volition discover that He is the rock at the bottom."
  • "If you lean on the strength of God, and then it is not possible to fall."
  • "You are a life saving light in the darkness of a cavern full of people who need you."
  • "I tin can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." —Philippians 4:xiii
  • "I am praying that God grant you the wisdom to know what is right and the strength to do it."
  • "God knows how you feel and will take care of you because He loves yous."
  • Bible Verse Condolences

Messages for Any Occasion

  1. Keep me in heed and know that you can call me anytime you need anything or if you lot just desire someone to talk to.
  2. Your actions have proved that you are not the blazon of person who gives up easily. I admire that in you.
  3. I understand that you have a brunt to carry on your ain, but remember that if you would similar assist to bear the weight, I am here to assistance.
  4. I appreciate all the hard piece of work you put in on a regular basis. I just desire you to know that at to the lowest degree ane person has noticed.
  5. Your humility is inspiring to those who are watching your success.
  6. The initiative y'all show in your piece of work is outstanding.
  7. I believe this is i moment yous volition wait dorsum on with pride, even though information technology seems and so difficult now.
  8. Your spirit has the energy, strength, and stamina of 10,000 horses.
  9. Go on up the adept work. I am rooting for you.
  10. I don't think I tell yous oftentimes enough how grateful I am for all that you practise for me.
  11. When times get tough, I know I tin count on you.
  12. Cheers for having the courage and dedication to stay the form when most people would probably surrender.
  13. I want you lot to know that I am thinking of you and wishing you the best.
  14. Y'all are an astonishing person whom I am blessed to know.
  15. Sometimes when we confront challenges, we can't see all the adept that is coming from our work until later we're done. Unfortunately, our work is never complete, and then in that location is much good that we cannot meet.
  16. Keep doing the great work that you are doing.
  17. Thanks for all that you have done and go on to do.
it's important to remind those who are struggling of all they've accomplished through their struggle.

it's important to remind those who are struggling of all they've achieved through their struggle.

Message for After an Illness or Injury

  1. May your knowledge that I care virtually you comfort and assure you lot that you lot are not alone.
  2. I am sad y'all are not feeling your best. I am thinking of yous and wishing you a quick recovery.
  3. I am praying for you to have peace about your health concerns, strength to recover apace, and comfort for your pain.
  4. Being under the weather when the atmospheric condition is actually prissy out is no adept. I'thousand sorry you lot are missing out.
  5. I believe God allows suffering to provide people an opportunity to show grace and compassion while comforting those who suffer. Expect me to take this opportunity to condolement you lot.

Inspirational Sayings

  1. "The pleasure of success feels best after experiencing the pain of failure."
  2. "Inspiration can simply be borrowed from others. Permanent inspiration requires perseverance."
  3. "The most hard challenges reap the greatest rewards."
  4. "Even the mighty oak starts every bit a small acorn."
  5. "Patience makes time your most powerful asset."
  6. "It's not the things that we can't control that will define our success."

Create Your Own Bulletin

Writing your ain bulletin of encouragement is not too hard if you know the right words to use. Here are xv words you can use including nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Mix and match these words and add something personal create a relevant bulletin of encouragement.

Words of Encouragement

Verbs Nouns Adjectives




piece of work
























Ben on July 27, 2020:

Curlicue to Keep

Read More From Holidappy

Great leadership inspires greatness in others

John sakala on Apr 14, 2020:

I like these massages they are so amazing

Maryann borg on March 19, 2020:

Thank you for all these ideas

Esther Walton on June 13, 2019:

Looking for encouraging words for my smashing nephew. His begetter is in and out of his life but when father's day rolls around he gets actually sad and information technology breaks my middle to see him like that. I demand encouraging words to get him through this tough time

Grandmother on Jan 30, 2019:

looking for encouraging altogether message to grandson who has non yet found his way

Desmond c obi on December xi, 2018:

What I requested is what I got, very pleased thank you.........

Princess Mofor Floriburg on September 27, 2018:

Dont allow todays life circumstances affect your tomorrow.

Yamkela on June 24, 2018:

God tin alter that state of affairs

Ruth Nzapa on June 18, 2018:

Life is not a option a balderdash game,it is a world that reveals in the blueish print of your name.Zilch happens for a purpose,everything y'all go through is a examination,Don't counter accept your mistakes and move on.Life is too short to look dorsum at your mistakes,Live life to the fullest,and recall about the Blueish PRINT that God had planned way before you lot where born,call up POSITIVE flash the NEGATIVE.....Stay blessed,20-Ruth

Theresa on February 27, 2018:

Thank you so much!!

Olivia on February xix, 2018:

Thanks I read these messages when I was downward

Roy on Feb 17, 2018:


IKE CHIJIOKE GRACE on December 12, 2017:


Norman Grant on September 26, 2017:

Nice, I similar that

Shelley patnaik on August 30, 2017:

Wonderfully uplifting messages

mugabi Nuuhu Matovu on March 19, 2017:

Wonderful words


Source: https://holidappy.com/greeting-cards/Encouraging-Messages-and-Quotes-Words-of-Encouragement

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